A ‘Delicate’ Process

2 min readMar 16, 2021

Thomas Arpadi Talks us Through the Thinking Behind His ConceptDo Piece.

When approached by ConceptD to create a #ConceptDo D-doodle, the first thing that came to my mind was the title for my piece.

I wanted to call it ‘Delicate’. This word immediately gave me ideas for creation. Not only is it a way to describe a countless art piece, but it also goes some way to describing the creative process for me, summing up the precision and fine-tuning which goes into a work, and the balance a creator tries to achieve by doing just the right amount of work.

I also think the word describes the headspace many of us are in at present — we’ve had to spend a lot of time at home, and create these little, delicate, spaces where we can do our work comfortably — so you could say the work had a personal as well as professional meaning to me.

With all this in mind then, I knew that I wanted to create a mild and subtle piece, but one that still managed to maintain a certain energy. I wanted to deliver a sort of idealized meditative space for creatives, a place imbued with serenity, but with the underlying tension of not wanting to be disturbed.

It became clear that my piece should be as ‘Delicate’ as its name, and so I tried to create a sort of literal balancing act, where a glass ornamental ‘D’ perches precariously in a Zen room.

To achieve this, Cinema 4D was the main Software I used, along with Octane Render. They allowed me to perfect the subtle rocking motions of the piece, and nail the detailed textures of the ‘D’ — from the frosted glass to the glinting light reflections.

To create the details in the surroundings, I turned to the Quixel Megascan library to tune the vegetation and surrounding branches. I composited the piece in AfterEffects, trying to make it as seamless as possible so as to maintain a sense of delicate serenity.

I hope to have created something which invites my audience into itself — a place which you can go to and clear your mind, taking yourself to a place where you are ready to create.




Heighten senses, destroy barriers and nurture your greatest ideas from genesis to completion. Power your creativity with ConceptD hardware.